Freshly fried tortilla chips are layered with a spicy chicken and tomatillo sauce and plenty of cheese. Serve it with fried eggs for hearty breakfast or as a cheesy dinner.
Great for holidays when there are picky eaters in the crowd. Can make as many as needed or just one if you like. Got this from an internet friend. Good served with fruit and coffee cake.
My mom made this recipe for Christmas 2002. She had nothing written down but I loved it so much I asked her how she did it and she wrote it down for me. All the measurements are approximate so if you find something that works better, let me know!
Cabbage is simmered with home made pork meatballs in a light chicken broth. This is my family's version of lion's head soup and for me it is the best type of comfort food! It is best served with white sticky rice, and wonderful enjoyed on a cold winter day.